Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dear Life,

Today I'm having problems with motivation.

No one is returning my text messages and so I'm stuck at the house by myself, all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Now, you say, why don't you just hop in your car and go do something by yourself? You are always telling me how much you enjoy alone time.

The answer to that is: I don't know. I just can't seem to get off my lazy ass and put on some shoes and get my sunglasses and put the dog up and go outside and start my car and wait for it to cool off and drive to wherever and

Do you see my point? Now, say, if someone contacted me and wanted to do something, I'd be off in a flash. I'd like to know why this is. It's not like I don't have anything to do.

Things I could do today:
1. Clean, and put away laundry. (not likely.)
2. Go hunt down things for my costume. (but that's more fun with a friend.)
3. Go shopping. (but I shouldn't spend money and that's more fun with someone too.)

Do you see my problem here? I seem to have a negative answer for everything. I hate being in moods like this. Any advice is appreciated.

Impatiently awaiting your reply,



  1. come do stuff with me!
    well, actually that's not very helpful. But I'm bored and lack motivation too. My friends are all boys and all always have the heads stuck up their girlfriends asses and nothing is as fun alone. I feel your pain.

  2. lol. I appreciate the sentiment though.

    and nothing is worse than a guy who's completely whipped by his girlfriend. lol. :P
