Wednesday, August 5, 2009

baby steps.

Feeling a bit better today. Woke up at 11 for no reason at all and couldn't get back to sleep so that was a bit annoying. But I hung out with Nick this afternoon and we saw Orphan. Just as good the second time around and he thought it was pretty great too.

Tomorrow I've got some things I have to do and hopefully I'll be able to go shopping with Chels and help her find a dress.

I need to start finding reasons to get out of the house since my parents are starting to think I'm depressed or something.

Newsflash, I'm not depressed, I'm just annoyed, and there's no reason for me to be awake so I might as well go to bed. If you wanted to have this intimate rapport with me you should have started trying a decade ago, and then maybe I wouldn't get so frustrated with you now. Also, ask questions about stuff that matter, not just minute things so you feel like you're doing your "duty" or whatever bullshit.

Alas, tomorrow is another day, for better or worse.

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